Please feel free to reach out with any questions or observations from the field. (AKolos AT hotmail dot com). I’m happy to share them in the interests of growing the community and encouraging folks to make the effort to enjoy winter in Ontario! The following personal and friends’ notes, accounts and observations are from across Southern Ontario, or from their travels further abroad. Please remember, however: climbing is dangerous; ice/mixed climbing is more complex than summer rock climbing; conditions can deteriorate quickly; don’t blindly follow/trust others; make your own assessments! You, and you alone, are responsible for your decisions.

Happy and Safe Climbing - Andriy

OAC Membership

The Ontario Alliance of Climbers is focused on building a community of mutual respect between climbers, landowners, conservation authorities, and other property managers. They’re committed to fostering strategic relationships to educate, mediate, and negotiate the various needs of all parties. They’ve launched an annual membership that costs less than a cup of coffee a month. Consider supporting them here as a show of support, so they continue working with all landowners in addressing concerns, and maintaining/expanding the number of climbing possibilities we have access to in Southern Ontario. Thanks!

No Updates from Bancroft re: Eagle’s Nest Access

The Town of Bancroft has expressed interest in securing access to the base of Roller Coaster. The proposed plan has yet to receive the necessary support from the Town Council. As such No Trespassing Signs have appeared below Roller Coaster to protect the landowner from liability.

Guidebooks still available

Climb On Equipment and Verticall Store both have stock. But for how long???

Dec 19, 2024 - Papineau Roadside (Goran)

Enjoyed a day out with Doug at Papineau Roadside. Consolation Prize provided good season fun. It was thin, with no ice on the top outs.

Dec 15, 2024 - Watt Lake (Brent)

Season is underway - for the first time in recent memory, Danylo was NOT the first to check out conditions. Multiple parties chose to check out Watt Lake. Leads and TR action was aplenty. Conditions in general, however, are fairly dry. Upcoming variable temperatures and precipitation may change that in a hurry.

Quick reference, for viewing at one’s leisure

Nice photos Pete!!!

Worry not - ice is just around the corner!

Shoulder/transition season is welcomed by different people differently. No surprise there I guess. For some it’s an opportunity to address accumulated to-do’s that have been put off during send-tember. For others, it’s time to focus more on prehab, or a growing pain in an elbow or shoulder. For others, all is well, but they’re grumpy at having to wait for first swings and sticks of the season.

Sharing with you good food for thought from one of the most honest and objective climbers, sharing his struggles and doubts about re-gaining form. Yes, past form was hard won. And the greater the form, the more work it was to achieve. And that in and of itself is a reason to celebrate. But accepting where you are now, is paramount, to accepting the challenge that lies ahead. But you will!

We’re all capable of the hard work that’s required. And let that be the motivation!

Wishing you all a happy, restful and wholesome holidays - don’t be afraid to live in the present, to indulge, to love and be merry.

There’s nothing we can do about the weather today. Tomorrow, we get after it!

Ice Climbing Tips Video Series

I came across this timely series of informational videos, so we can now all climb like Will.

Start with your feet

Swinging them tools

Steep Ice

Drytooling - First steps

Advanced drytoolery

Placing Pro - when you’re most likely to fall

Bulges - where you’re most likely to fall


Sharpening your points